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What is sustainability?

Sustainability is the idea that everything we produce is based on the sources our environment provides. In order for us to be sustainable, it means we exist peacefully with our environment and do not abuse the resources available to us. Natural resources, clean air, and a nontoxic environment is important for the health of everyone currently and especially our future generations. We want to make sure that we can create a sustainable environment without compromising our current quality of life.

How are we contributing to sustainability?

Our goal is to create packaging made from sustainable materials. We want to use materials that repeat their life cycle and reduce our ecological footprint. Our packaging is made using kraft paper, bioPET plastic, metal, and glass.

Read More About Our Packaging

What is kraft paper?

Kraft paper is a strong paper or cardboard that is made from the pulp of all types of wood. Kraft paper is stronger than standard paper because it does not require as much bleaching, a process which diminishes strength. All the materials used in the process of creating kraft paper is recycled and reused, making it completely sustainable. As an added bonus, the process to create and ship kraft paper packages is cheaper than the costs of standard paper packages.

How sustainable are metal and glass packaging?

Metal is one of the most sustainable forms of packaging. Metal can be recycled over and over without losing its properties, which means the same metal used in production years ago is recycled and used all over again. Even the scraps left over from the production of metal packaging is recycled and used in other packaging. 


Glass has a sustainable component and a not-so-sustainable aspect to it. Glass is 100% recyclable and it does not lose any of its properties in the process. While glass is much heavier and costly to ship, which affects the level of sustainability, glass lasts practically forever and can be used and re-used for a multitude of things. 


The benefits of both metal and glass packaging is that it can preserve food for a long time, allowing for wet pet food to remain fresh during shipment and on the shelves.

What is bioPET plastic?

Bio-based plastic is made from renewable raw materials, such as vegetable oils and fats and food waste. These materials are results from agriculture and plant residue. BioPET plastic is created using 30% raw material and 70% oil-based raw materials. This plastic is not 100% sustainable, but is currently being developed on and soon will be a completely sustainable form of packaging.

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